Sunday, May 3, 2009

Hotel 626//Thao//STATS

Second post today, what do you think???
This is what happens when I REALLY don't want to do stats...sort of.
So I was introduced to this online game called Hotel 626 ( and fuck me, it scares the shit out of me.
Basically, there are like ten levels (some of them are just like videos of rooms or hallways) and you're in a creepy ass hotel and creepy shit happens like you have to take pictures of this girl in a bathroom type thing but it's all dark and every time you click the camera, it flashes and she screams and runs around and if you don't get a picture of her, you die and then you're thown down a stairwell or you have to sing the spawn of the devil (or just a creepy child, take your pick) to sleep and then you have to get out of the room without waking it up (nearly effing impossible) and then you're dragged down a hallway and you get stuck in a room with a crazy man and you have to decode some shit to get a code to get out of there and then you're in a room with pictures and you have to find your picture (there's a time limit) and then it asks for your phone number but you don't have to give it and then you get directions to escape and you do and you get to your car and you think you'll be okay and then something pops out of the back seat and kills you. Cool. I only beat like 3 levels. I'm not skilled. And it gave me fucking nightmares. I woke up at 4:30 this morning and thought I was in the dark bathroom thing with the creepy lady and I got really scared and had to turn on all of the lights and watch Dan In Real Life until I fell asleep. Not good times.

Like an idiot, I played it twice (once today, once yesterday). Fuck, I'm cool.
Anyway, now I'm paranoid and driving to my grandma's house was really scary cuz I thought the creepy thing was going to pop out and kill me from the back seat and now there's bad weather outside which sounds suspiciously like the noises that the game makes and I'm scared so I'm listening to Thao Nguyen (and the Get Down Stay Down) which is nice because I'm going to see her on Tuesday with Sam and so that will be lovely. If you're in the area and like good music, you should go. I'm excited. But I'm also not excited for Tuesday because that's the stats AP and I am nowhere near ready. Cool.

Also, tomorrow night is senior night for girls lacrosse (so Whitney, Meghan, and I) so if you go to my school, please come and support cuz no one comes to our games, even though we are finally starting to play like a team and I will probably cry. Cool.

This blog post has either mini half sentences or run on sentences. I'm actually kind of okay at grammar, I promise.
Until my next procrastination attempt,,,,,,,,

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