Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Sure, let's do that.

Oh hi blog that no one reads.
It's been a while.
Sure, lets do that.
So I got back from New York yesterday at like one in the morning. I was in New York to see my lovely sister and to see Pratt (the college I'm attending). Basically, seeing the campus was the final (I keep wanting to say nail in the coffin but that usually means a bad thing) thing in making my decision. Awesome. My dad made a fool of us all and was himself for the majority of the trip. Now it's Wednesday and I'm ill and I'm tired and my nose is running all over the place and blahhhhhhhhhhhhh. I'm still really bad at this blogging business. I read Hayley's blog ( and I'm like "EFF I'M SHIT AT THIS BLOGGING BUSINESS"...yeah. Oh well. I think Spring is here to stay (I hope) and I have my second last lacrosse game tomorrow. Sad panda. On the bright side, I get to see Hailey and Traci and Ali and all of the Park City girls that I haven't seen in ages and it will be nice. And sunny. And nice.
I need a tissue.
I have recently eaten my weight in saltines and as you may know, saltines don't weigh very much which obviously means that I have eaten a lot because the last time I checked, I weigh like 6000000 pounds. Tasty.
Excuse me for a moment while I blow my nose.
OH! Just a clarification for those (the 0 of you who read this blog) who may be concerned, as far as I know, I DO NOT HAVE SWINE FLU. I got sick from my lovely sister.
Okay, now that that's out of the way, I'm going to go eat some soup, take some Nyquil, and go to BED.
I get to miss stats tomorrow morning.


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