Sunday, April 12, 2009

Ramble ramble bitch bitch ramble ramble pity pity sleep sleep sleep and don't forget the violence

I'm quite grumpy (every time I attempt to type 'grumpy', I end up typing 'frumpy') and tired but I'm having a relatively okay week. I had some really good days and some really bad days and a bunch of mediocre days and life was feeling mostly okay. I received a really nasty email from my bitch of a lacrosse coach yesterday but that has been dealt with (sort of) and I was back to mediocre. My life is kind of very boring and I don't post often and when I do, it's fairly dull but oh well. Life is life and that is that. I had a good day yesterday though. I hung out with Sam and I found a prom dress and I reunited with Pablo and it was good. (Sounds like the bible or something) But it was good. Unfortunately, today (Easter), was total shit. I woke up late feeling ill and wasted most of the day whining and not eating lovely candy like normal people do on Easter and now I'm home alone watching TV. I went out of my way to get a delicious Cadbury Creme Filled Egg only to find that basically every grocery store near my home did not have ANY. I nearly cried. Anyway, I'm feeling shit and tired and I've got nearly nothing done today so I'll try to do that I guess....


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