Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Here Comes The Sun

Good news everyone (or all 0 of you who read this blog)!
I've had a good day.
It didn't start as a good day but it is.
I thought it was going to be awful because this morning started with Bible in Literature/Bible as Literature which is interesting but not all that fun, especially when you're like me and you have no idea about anything bible related at all.
So I felt like a tired idiot for an hour.
Then we watched The Manchurian Candidate in psychology. I've seen the first hour of it already so I guessed it was safe for me to sleep. I had happy dreams :)
Class meeting was boring and irritating but then I played music for an hour and went to lunch.
We had a senior lunch today which was good, not phenomenal but good, and then I went outside and played my ukulele on the quad. Today was beautiful and warm and sunny and it made me very happy and was nice. It is the first day that it has really felt like Spring and I cannot be happier...well, yes, I can but you know what I mean.
This is all very poorly phrased but I am tired and it is after school and my brain doesn't work and there is the beautiful voice of Kate Voegele (sp?) in my ear and it is making me feel very calm which is a massive change from yesterday where I was screaming and punching walls in anger.
Change is good.
I am now conversing with a lovely lady called Lex about the song I'm listening to now. In case you don't know, I am a Lexbian (not a typo, it means one who is subscribed to Lex) and I may be a bit of a fangirl..maybe...yeah.
Skype is a wonderful thing.

Anyway, I am going to pretend to be productive now, though I probably won't.


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