Monday, May 18, 2009

Mythology is great.

I've kind of been neglecting this blog because of school. I've been trying to do work so I can pass and graduate and go to college.
As a result, I've been doing homework.
And when I haven't been doing homework, I've been watching movies and films (yes, there is a difference)
I've also made a few videos. Watch them:
I'm at school now during a free period and I think I may go outside to read psychology because it's beautiful and sunny out and I would really like that...but I think the grass might be wet...tricky.
But yes.
I just barely took my Shakespeare and it wasn't awful but my essay was pretty much shit. I don't know when my German final is and then I have my psychology final on either Wednesday or Thursday and my Bible as Lit final on Thursday.
And then I'm done with school.
My stomach just got all happy feeling at that thought.

I'll write a better blog soon, probably about Kafka because he is amazing.
That is all, mythology is great.

Also, this basically sums up how I feel 99.99999999999999999999999999999...% of the time


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